Monday, September 21, 2015


Thanks be to God for giving us this verse as the theme of our 3rd year church anniversary event. Indeed, His love is everlasting and He is faithful to us till eternity. Over the past year, God’s work in us has been so amazing!! We have grown from 1 life group to 3 life groups, with each having different serving focus. He enlarged our hearts to embrace His works to serve Him and the church. Now, we have groups that serve the children, the youth and working adult. Praise God for bringing us through different lessons in life and we are truly honoured to witness individual growth throughout these times. 

Jeremiah 31:3 3 The Lord appeared to us in the past, saying: “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.

This year, God provided us with a bigger church venue where we can cater to about 100. With this new venue, we made a faith goal of having 60 people attending our church anniversary event and prayed that we could reach out to more people through this event. Praise God that we had 63 people attending the event! It was amazing to see their open heart to just enjoy the time and some of them even shared that they are surprised by our energetic love and warmth, which they have never felt in other places. A lot of them had stayed back with us for dinner and we had a wonderful time together.

In this event, God really worked amazingly among us. He provided us the place, people who serve and different back ups that were needed. What was even more amazing was that 3 of the visitors re-dedicated their life to Christ in the event itself and in our service the week after. We are deeply touched to see God’s hand in providing for us, which made it possible for His people to come and meet Him here. Praise God for all these blessings. Indeed, His love is everlasting and will never fail us.

By Kelly Chan, Hope Hong Kong

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