Monday, September 14, 2015


Win Souls The first priority is we must continue to WIN SOULS. We must continue to see souls come into the Kingdom of God. Sometimes we get so busy with just running church, and just emphasising local church activities until we, forget about the harvest and that Jesus calls us to look at the harvest because the harvest is out there. 

We want to continue to emphasise this in our church activities, in everything that we do for the week, for the month, for the year. We must emphasise soul winning. We want new souls to come into the Kingdom of God. We want new souls to grow our churches. We want new souls to bring new energy, new vitality into the Kingdom of God. Paul says in Romans 1:16, “I am not ashamed of the gospel, for within the gospel is the power of God unto salvation.” We must believe to share the power in the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are not just wanting to shift Christians from churches to churches but we want to see new souls come into the Kingdom of God.

Brothers and sisters, as we continue to do our church planting, as we continue to grow our churches, I want us to prioritise soul winning. I want us to look at creative methods whereby we are going to bring souls into the Kingdom of God. This must be a key activity that defines us in our HIM churches. Do church activities, vibrant church activities, but remember to bring souls into the Kingdom of God. We would like to KEEP IT HOT. We would like to keep it as our key activity.

Regarding winning souls, when I first joined our Hope family many years ago, I went up to our mother church in Thailand. I was amazed when I joined the services. They were reaching in excess of 10,000 people already. To my surprise, 80% or more of the members who joined the church were new converts. They were people brought in from Buddhism, they were people brought in from a non-Christian community. I was really excited, I was really stirred and it showed me again that winning souls is important. God’s heart is out there because he loves the people who do not know him. We say in our Great Commandment, “We must love others as ourselves.” We win souls because God loves those souls and because God’s heart is for the harvest. Likewise, we want to continue to feel God’s compassion, feel God’s love and to really bring God’s heart to the masses, to the harvest as well. This is about soul winning.

Pastor Simon Eng
HIM President

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