Monday, April 11, 2016


Easter in Chicago Over 2,000 years ago, Christ died for our sins; only to rise again in victory. On Easter 2016 Sunday, Hope Chicago Church remembered his sacrifice and celebrated his resurrection.

The festivities started off with an inspiring sunrise service over Lake Michigan. The dawn greeted us as we boldly worshipped the Lord in the early morning light. The outdoor worship service was a beautiful way to honour Him, with the message by Daniel, one of our Moody Bible School students.


After the sunrise service, breakfast was hosted by a church member which allowed us to continue the fellowship and share in the joy of the Lord. Then our indoor worship service began with spirited worship that also incorporated a spoken word presentation of “The Word.”

Special performances were given by our children and members, which included sign language. We welcomed six first-time visitors to our services, with Pastor David encouraging us with his message.

The celebration continued after the service with a delicious potluck lunch, allowing all of us to enjoy the fellowship and thank the Lord for all he has given us. The Lord provided us with good weather and the children participating in an exciting outdoor Easter egg hunt.

All in all, it was a wonderful way to spend the day celebrating the love for our Lord Jesus Christ.

 Hope Chicago Church

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