Monday, December 7, 2015


Everyone can Pioneer! 

For many years, I never thought of planting a church myself. Somewhere in the early 90s, I felt a real conviction from God that I really need to start a church. So I began to explore how to really build a church. At that time, I was in my late 30s., I felt that I really want to utilise my life purposefully for God. After doing some research and asking questions, I decided to do my first church planting. I wanted to make sure that church plant , would be a healthy church. It would not just be a 100-people church, 200-people church.

I want it to be a sizable church, but more than that, to be able to disciple people, to be able to teach the Word of God well and to be able to multiply leaders that would be able to multiply ministries. I felt to give myself for that purpose. Praise God, you know, over these many years now, I’ve really seen that happen because I took the first step to plant the first church. Brothers and sisters, if you are watching this video, I want to encourage you to STEP OUT for God.

I want you to pray and seek God. Perhaps you may PIONEER a small group where you WORK, you may PIONEER a small group in your UNIVERSITY, you may PIONEER a small group in your NEIGHBOURHOOD, you may PIONEER a MINISTRY, you may PIONEER CROSS-CULTURALLY. But I want to encourage you to believe God, that the POWER OF GOD, can help you to start a seed, a seed group, a seed ministry. You take the courage and take the training to equip yourself to be able to do that job of planting another ministry, another church. GOD WILL HELP YOU.

Pastor Simon Eng
HIM Elder

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