Monday, May 5, 2014


Pastor's Conference and Crusades 

Hi HIM Family!

Let me share with you some exciting happenings in missions. I was with Pastor Brendan and we went together to Liberia in West Africa. Currently, we have six churches in Liberia and one in Guinea. We had a wonderful and exciting time with our churches there. We did a pastors’ conference and crusades. I really praise God as we saw a lot of souls saved. We saw God healing many, many people with either hearing problems, eyesight problems, stomach or back problems. Many were delivered from demonic influences as well. God did some incredible work in Liberia.

Spiritual hunger in liberia 

Brothers and sisters, as we look at the spiritual needs in the nation, there is definitely a huge need. I am showing some of the slides, some of the pictures; you can have a look. There is a huge need, whether it be housing, health services, job creation or education. Liberia has emerged from 15 years of civil war. The nation was torn apart, a lot of the infrastructure, a lot of these essential services were destroyed. Liberia ranks among the poorest nations in the world. There is a spiritual hunger and there is desperation among the people. They certainly can be helped in a greater way.

Liberia churches are growing 

Our family in HIM can help. Pastor Brendan from Hope Adelaide in Oceania has done a tremendous work in visiting, in helping with the churches there. I certainly see that it has made much progress. My heart is blessed to realise that in fact, our churches can advance faster than the nation. In nation-building, we can certainly help them to a large extent as well as in educating them about looking after themselves and to create businesses.

Help to rebuild Liberia

Microfinance is another area in helping them with skills that are going to help them in the long term. We are not just seeing opportunities to help them spiritually but I believe there is a great opportunity for nation-building. We are going to help them and we are going to help that nation to be able to get up on its feet. If through the church, we are to really train and educate good leaders and people, we are going to see that our churches will be able to impact that nation.

Pray for Ps Sunny and leadership team

So brothers and sisters, I’m excited about West Africa. I’m excited about different things that are happening in our churches in Africa but I believe we can continue to pray, we can continue to support, we can continue to make resources available. God is doing a wonderful work in Liberia and thank God for Pastor Sunny and the leadership team. God bless you all until I communicate with you all again. Amen.

Pastor Simon Eng
President of HIM

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