Thursday, April 23, 2020


In September 2019, Hope Church Brisbane had our annual conference in Unidus Community Centre, Willawong. We had 494 signups for the 3-day faith-filled conference. Our delegates, from Willawong, St Lucia, Gold Coast and Gatton services, came together as a church to be rejuvenated, revived and replenished to reach greater heights together as a church. The theme of Church Conference was “Heroes Revival” which aims to bring God’s touch, anointing and inspiration to the church.

The first night started off with a impactful time of worship, sharing of testimony on God’s relentless love with prophetic dance and painting performances illustrating the God of revival. Pastor Wilson, Founder and Senior Pastor of Hope Church Queensland, kicked off the first session on Friday. He assured us that God is the one who brings and initiates revival. Pastor Wilson encouraged many ones to continue to partner and cooperate with God, who enables revival and brings the hope of revival.

On the second day, we are privileged to have our guest speaker, Dr. Jerry Stott joining us to share the Word of God and his extensive experience with ushering God’s miracles. Dr. Jerry Stott, alongside with his wife, Julie, has been serving under Foursquare Church Missions International in South Pacific for 16 years, with responsibility over more than 24,000 churches.

We had 7 breakout sessions after an awesome lunch. These God-inspired sessions catered to different groups – parents, students, youth, new believers and working adults – with the aim to awaken hearts to His ultimate grace and love, and respond in faith and action. Each session had different guest speakers who shared their faith journey and experience.

Delegates got to enjoy a few hours of free time and a dinner break with great singing performances from talented individuals in church. The church brought in food trucks on Saturday night where delegates had a choice of either poke bowl or pizza. It was a fun time of fellowship with delegates from different services as we shared our conference’s experience and revival moments. We are blessed to have Dr. Jerry Stott the next day as he preached about spiritual gifts and encouraged the church to earnestly seek God for the gifts that they desired to be a blessing to those around us with. One of the highlights of the session was the hunger and passion of the church as the delegates responded to altar call. Dr Jerry Stott took time to pray and lay hands on the delegates for an impartation of spiritual gifts.

We had the Kids Conference: Marvel running concurrently with the church conference which aims to help children marvel at God's creation (including themselves), and to see how special they are in God. We also want children to "marvel" at our wonderful Creator, our Powerful God.

Throughout the Kids Conference, the kids had a time to worship God, study His Word, look at Bible characters - Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, and Rahab, and Abigail. We got the children to present to one another what they have discovered about God through the different character study. There was also an outdoor scavenger hunt, and a movie/pyjamas night. We had 25 children at the conference, and it was very encouraging to see them finish the conference with a prayer to ask God to help them to grow in Him.

Here are some of the testimonies from our delegates who had shared their encounters and breakthrough with God during the conference:

“For a while I've been weighed down by my own desires and its battle against my desires for the Lord. The awesome thing I experienced was this breakthrough where I saw God in such a light again that I saw Him worth far more than anything in this world and the reminder, again, of the significance of the Great Commission. I believe God had revived me again to put Him first and foremost in my life. This is something I'm super thankful for and I look forward to grow in my relationship with the Lord. I don't want the world to weigh me down again. I know it's not going to be easy, but, whatever it takes, I want God.” – Conference delegate

"While I was worshiping God I sense an image of God holding me so tightly and I spoke in tongue and cried out the Lord I felt the Holy Spirit was overflowing in me. I have been through difficult time but after worshipping God I felt the joy and peace from God! I am believing God will heal my sickness and I will receive healing and have breakthrough in my life!" – Conference delegate

By Hope Church, Brisbane

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