Monday, March 28, 2016


Dear friends,

I trust that you are well in the Lord! I believe God is urging us to rise up as an army of prayer warriors. It matters not whether we are reasonably new in God or more mature as a believer. God desires us to arise as people fervent in prayer! There is an urgency to establish a strong canopy of prayer and intercession over our HIM family as we faithfully pursue God’s agenda. I believe churches that pray shall make a difference for God’s Kingdom!

Firstly, churches that rise up in prayer are indicating that we are reliant upon God for success. God’s Kingdom shall be extended through His means. It is God who makes it possible. Additionally, it is not just the end that matters but the way we go about it in seeing God’s Kingdom enlarged as He is the God of integrity and holiness. Since it is about God’s work, let’s seek the Lord for His ways always through prayer.

Secondly, churches that rise up in prayer will learn the seasons of God’s timing. There are “Kairos” (Hebrew word) moments in God. When we rise up and prevail upon God in prayer, we become more sensitive to those opportunities opened by the Lord for us to move forward with His agenda. Let’s seize hold of these “Kairos” seasons as we are living in the end times. There is much to be done to bring in the end time harvest.

Lastly, churches that rise up in prayer are utilising God’s most effective defensive and offensive weapon. There will be spiritual forces that oppose the work of Christ. God has given us the weapon of prayer to tear down the spiritual forces effectively so that the Gospel of Christ be shared more effectively, more lives can be won to the Lord, more Christlike disciples raised plus further advancement into current and new frontiers for His glory. Let us rise up then to utilise this God-given weapon of prayer.

So, let’s all come together and join in prayer. Let us join our hearts together to establish a canopy of prayer and intercession over HIM family of churches with the vision to fulfil the Great Commission. Scriptural food for thot:

Joel 3:9 - 10 (TMSG) 

9Announce this to the godless nations: Prepare for battle! Soldiers at attention! Present arms! Advance! 10Turn your shovels into swords, turn your hoes into spears. Let the weak one throw out his chest and say, “I’m tough, I’m a fighter.” 

2 Corinthians 10:3 - 6 (NIV) 

3For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. 4The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 5We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 6And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience, once your obedience is complete. 

Praying for you and with you, 

Pastor Lai Ling Lim 

Prayer focus for month of March 2016; individually and corporately as HIM churches to: 
  • Consistently staying close to God’s Presence, walking in intimacy and closeness to God whilst faithfully adhering to His Word. Continue to grow in godly wisdom and understanding as we pursue God earnestly. 
  •  Continually depending upon God to experience breakthroughs, advancement and transformation happening in our current and future pioneering localities. Be eager to grab hold of those “Kairos” moments in God to purposefully extend His Kingdom work. 
  • Believe God that our churches would settle into our God-given destiny and that HIM people would find their place in serving God effectively. Ask for God’s favour to supernaturally influence the nations for Jesus in all various parts of our respective society. 
  • Effective in raising godly disciples and leaders, with God-given anointing to impact the next generation. Effective godly role modelling and examples be depicted in our current generation for the next. 
  • Uphold the coming Global Conference before God. Freshness from God and new zeal in God to multiply for His Kingdom sake. Pray for all key note speakers namely Ps Rick Seaward, Ps Simon Eng, Ps Wilson Lim, Ps Denis Lu and Ps Jeff Chong to speak God’s heart and mind on multiplication. Pray for all aspects of GC eg. workshops, chairing, worship, fellowship to be Christ-centred and replenishing spiritual reservoirs for HIM leaders. 
  • Pray for our African family of churches in Malawi. Crops have failed due to prolonged drought. Pray for rain to be restored into the land and for crops (maize) to thrive! We thank God for churches in Hope Oceania who have contributed to help purchase food (maize) for the affected HIM family of churches. Pray for God’s plan for sustainable food supply. 
  • Continue to pray for God’s intervention and strength upon persecuted believers in the numerous regions of the world. Pray that in the midst of much intense difficulties, the work of the Gospel shall propagate even more strongly and more shall be added to the Kingdom.

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